Pentesting on the Fly : Android Phone - Epilogue (Some Thoughts and Advices)

Pentesting on the Fly : Android Phone - Epilogue (Some Thoughts and Advices)

Hey there :) Thanks for enjoying my short series of post about Smartphone pentesting.
Here's a little epilogue with some thoughts/advices for you
  • MAC ADDRESS : According to various forums, you might be able to change your mac address, either with macchanger or ifconfig
Commands :
apt-get install macchanger
ifconfig wlan0 down
macchanger -r wlan0
ifconfig wlan0 up
OR :
ifconfig wlan0 down
ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55
ifconfig wlan0 up
I personally had issues withchanging my Mac adress so.. yeah it might be a problem.
Image via
  • Information disclosure :
If you take a look at what packets your phone send -and more particularly headers - you'll see that most smartphones sends a lot of datas, which might compromise your privacy when hacking a network. For example a MITM attack where your phone is connected.
Take a lookt at this app : afwall
It's a really good and open source app, which allows you to control incoming and outgoing traffic to reduce information disclosure.
Moreover, take a look at the headers your phone sends when using a browser. Lots of infos are displayed here, and more particularly which brower, which android version and sometimes your phone's model. Even if you manage to change your MAC adress, if invesitgators see that in différents hack there's the same type of phone used, there can be a link.
Default password
Ugh... I bet you followed the whole tutorial and you didn't changed your ssh default password huh ? CHANGE IT RIGHT NOW !!!
You wanna see how strong is your password ? Use your own phone to hack yourself using a wordlist ;)
  • Script as much as possible. Spend some time at home training yourself, elaborate your attacks, then script them. Really, you woon't wanna have to type command lines during 5 minutes. 5 minutes is really long outside
Here's some basic help :
Ask for user Input :
read -p "Some Sample message here" variable
formating some output
  • Take a look at TMUX, it's really helpful to take a look at différents things at the same time on the same screen
  • But don't forget, that you can open multiples terminals, so you can -for example- brute force a Telnet password while lauching a Metasploit attack using shellsock, and mitm a public connection
Don't be too confident, and take care to hdie your screen too. A smartphone with a green and black screen is kind of suspicious.
  • I didn't tried TOR yet, i'll tell you soon, and give you a script too.
  • As you surely know, mosts smartphones' chipsets don't support packet injection.
  • So except if you have a bc chipset, you'll need a Wifi- USB key with an OTG cable and maybe an external battery, if you want to experiment monitor mode and Tools like reaver, aircrack etc.... ( Using airodump to walk through the city and steal 4 ways handshake **)
  • Also, using Tools like bluesnarffer etc won't work. Once more - i'm not sure- I bet you'll have to buy an external dongle.


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